With well over 1,000 Multi Academy Trusts in operation, there is no doubt that the approach has provided benefits. The ability to manage some functions on behalf of all of the schools in the trust provides both consistency and hopefully economies of scale. Data protection is frequently an area where trusts have been looking to centralise.
The person who gets assigned the task of managing compliance usually has a range of other roles at the same time. Most often the schools in a trust are at different stages of compliance and there the processes and procedures are anything but consistent.
GDPR Sentry can help Trusts on their journey to compliance, building upon our experience as both system developers and practising data protection officers.
The Sentry System provides a structured, consistent and easy to use tool to manage compliance information and incidents, we use it every day to manage our outsourced DPO clients. But we can provide much more support from audits, delivering expert advice, training and helping with complex tasks like data protection impact assessments.