GDPR Made Easier for Education

Ensure GDPR compliance and save time by having a consistent approach to GDPR with our simple-to-use, dedicated and efficient Sentry system, developed specifically for Schools, Multi-Academy Trusts, Colleges and Universities.

We are data protection experts in the UK Education sector and offer a practical and supportive approach to GDPR. We offer outsourced Data Protection Officer services, GDPR Training, GDPR Audit services and GDPR Project Support.

GDPR Sentry - making GDPR Easier

How We Can Help You

Ensure compliance and save time by having a consistent approach to GDPR

Who We Support

What Our Customers Say

Havant and South Downs College have around 7,500 students across two campuses. With strong centralisation of the data protection function, HSDC have taken advantage of the modular nature of the Sentry System to manage essential functions at the campus level. The Sentry System forms an essential component for HSDC to demonstrate compliance.

Havant & South Downs College

The Consortium Academy Trust is formed of nine schools across East Yorkshire. The Multi-Academy Trust includes Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form settings. Geographic separation makes the co-ordination of information about GDPR compliance and incidents essential and the Sentry System makes this task straightforward.

The Consortium Academy Trust

Harlington School is a very busy Secondary School in Hayes, Middlesex. With time under great pressure, Sentry allows Harlington to manage all of their GDPR information and resources in one place.

Harlington SchoolIan Wells

Delius is a large Special School in Bradford, West Yorkshire. Medical information is used on a daily basis and every day has new challenges. Sentry enables Delius to ensure that GDPR management is delivered simply and easily.

Delius Special SchoolRichard Meredith

Want to know more about our Sentry System?

Education Expertise

Have the peace of mind that our team include Technical, Education Sector and GDPR Experts.


Keep up to date with the latest GDPR news, top tips & expert advice.

A Warm Welcome for the IDTA

As a company, we’ve been asked a lot about the impact of Brexit on UK data protection. For the boots on the ground, the changes have not felt particularly significant. The Data Protection Act, including the UK GDPR, governs our compliance…

Will Meta Cut Off the EU?

We’re Back! It’s 2022, and with a new year comes new opportunities to look at the world through a data protection lens. To kick things off, News has broken Facebook’s parent company Meta is threatening to cut off its main consumer services…

Privacy Rules: Rumoured Renovations

Last week, a news article popped up. “UK to overhaul privacy rules”. Naturally, it piqued some interest. The UK debated revoking the GDPR before they finished implementing it. By the time the GDPR came into effect in 2018, several years…

Taking Control of Data Breaches – Whitepaper