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3 search results for: Emerging Tech


GDPR and Genetic Testing

In the second instalment of our Emerging Tech series, we look at the development of commercial genetic testing, and the data protection implications of widespread genetic screening.     “Customers who are genetically similar to you consume 60mg more caffeine a day than average.”  “You are not likely to be a sprinter/power athlete”  “Customers like you […]


Bringing Up Baby: Raising Biased AI

Anyone involved in last year’s exam grade saga probably harbours a level of resentment against algorithms.  The government formula was designed to standardise grades across the country. Instead, it affected students disproportionately, raising grades for students in smaller classes and more affluent areas. Conversely, students in poorer performing schools had their grades reduced, based on past grades from previous […]


AI in Education: A Brave New World?

A report published last week by career focused social network LinkedIn, identified the “Emerging Jobs” of 2020 in the UK. The report, which can be found here, looks at the roles that are experiencing significant growth. At number one is “Artificial Intelligence Specialist”, confirming that this field is expanding out of the academic realm and […]