Since 2017, Schools, Trusts and Colleges have been bombarded with stories about the requirements and risks of failing to comply with GDPR. The mass of information around the internet can seem daunting even overwhelming, but we are here to help you on your journey to compliance.

Any schools in state sector, including local authority nursery provision, are required to have a data protection officer (DPO) by law. Many schools have already met this requirement, by allocating this role to an existing member of staff, often IT managers or Business managers. Others have bought in services from providers like local authorities, legal firms, IT suppliers and specialised consultants, however, it isn’t always easy.

Being a Data Protection Officer (DPO) demands a deep knowledge of data protection law and practice. It also requires that the DPO has no conflicts of interest. For most schools, and trusts, having a person who can meet these requirements is extremely challenging.

The DPO is responsible for:

  • Informing the organisation on its GDPR obligations
  • Monitoring the compliance
  • Being the first point of contact for employees and supervisory authorities
  • Ensuring that staff are properly trained
  • Conducting audits and supporting data protection impact assessments

GDPR compliance must integrate with the day to day operation of the organisation, how confident are you that you are doing everything required by the ICO?  

As practicing DPO’s ourselves, we are here to support you.  

Being appointed to this demanding role comes with a heap of confusion, our aim is to bring you solutions to control your compliance.

That’s why we have developed the Sentry System, specifically for the Education Sector. Sentry allows you to manage all compliance in one place, whether it is for one school, across a trust or a multi campus college.

To find out more about how our Sentry System can help you, click here. Or, if you require additional support, we are more than happy to help. Contact our support team here.